- no speech
- minimal verbalization
- difficult to express needs
- delayed in speech development
- inappropriate laughing or giggling
- echolalia
- lack of interaction with peers
- low eye contact
- do not respond to people
- flapping hands
- flicking or spinning objects
- running/walking in circles
- spinning
- walking on tiptoes
- couldn't tolerate loud sounds
- dislike being touched
- extreme behavior
- dislike food
- aggressive behavior to others
- lack of toy play skills
- only play with one toy
- extreme rigidity
- dislike changing the position of objects
- enjoy arranging objects in a row
- repetitive behavior
- self-injury behavior
- insensitive to pain
- no fear for danger
I found this very useful chart from http://www.elainechen.com that briefly explain the characteristics of autistic children. It summarizes the characteristics of autistic kids that is easy to identify.